Challenges of the industry are and the evolving technology needs that consumers are driving into the industry. Discussing Omnivore and the menu pad point of sale integration, creating a sustainable product, built out of need for something like Omnivore API, legacy systems, and creating a universal API.

Speed to Market

The challenge of POS Systems is that they are hard to work with integrations. The complexity is the ability to get to market quickly. Universal API and Omnivore marketing the integration and coming to market, and offer as a partner. Streamline restaurants, simplifies integration because Omnivore tears that painful process down. POS companies can work with one and it simplifies that support process.

Agile IT

Flexibility on POS. Adopt these integrations without a full IT department, CIO’s to work with business people trying to solve business problems and not just dealing with IT only. Taking the load off your IT team. Putting plans into action. Change is coming rapidly, customers are demanding this technology now. What we are seeing is restaurants looking to integrate customer loyalty, guest management, Wi-Fi, etc. by pulling data out of their tech and add to what they already have. Omnivore is a large set of tools that can help restaurant leverage the tool set that we’ve already created. Pushing through the barrier of getting through your business. The market might have eight or nine systems out there, but business has been limited to one or two because of the challenge of integration, that businesses will need. POS have been forced to keep that limited set, because it was expensive. Now that Omnivore opens the platform and simplifies the integration department and restaurants can try things out, rapid prototyping that offers the affordability. Assimilating what consumers are expecting in a restaurant experience.

Streamlining Processes and Systems

Offering that door dash, operationalized it to integrate, labor costing more than streamline operations, streamline technology 53% increase in order accuracy, guests who get a bad order to their home, the customer is putting that on you, not the delivery company and you in turn lose that customer. Theft to opportunity is there as well.

Managing Multiple POS Systems

Such a core component to the restaurants to consider is managing multiple orders. A demarcation layer, afford to be more flexible. Brand owners can do that without encumbering the IT department. Bridge from one to the next, with Omnivore business decision and not just technology systems. POS is the technology engine in the restaurant, sales, taxes and labor, food costings, HR bridge, all these things are hard to integrate in the POS system and Omnivore gives you the partner to do that work for you. With six to ten integrations on your system and keeping up with that, getting each one of those companies to come in to schedule fixes, they might break one or two when they are coming in to fix four and five. They tend to step on each other’s toes.

Not Reinventing the Wheel

Your guest experience suffers because the integrations needed. A common interface like Omnivore, when these issues arise they manage to fix these issues once. Engineer it to save the time and focus on your business, taking the stress off. Not fixing the same thing repeatedly.

Challenges that we see

Evolution of technology and Omnivore. There is no silver bullet that can solve all these problems, but using a system like Omnivore, can help you to create that customer experience that is expected.

The Future

Streamlining technologies for a seamless engagement, not just the one place IM, but in all the systems the customer interacts with. The POS system knows when you drop your check, Uber sees that and sends your Uber to give you a ride to your next destination. It’s a Gate Keeper that is seeing all those common API’s to get the information they need. To create the user experience, differentiates that consumers are seeing these integrations in everyday life. Evolving pattern of behavior of consumer marketing, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, that integrates the POS. Tools like Omnivore, help to create the guest experience that is relevant for them to be able to tap into that marketing or advertising spin necessary to maximize profits. To bridge that gap and make that guest experience from the first time thru the fiftieth time to be the best it can be.

Listen to more on the podcast here.