The Lego Paradox

Building structures from concrete with amenities and parts that don’t connect is can be quite tempting. As the builder you think you are getting the best solution for each area but sometimes the integrity of the structure becomes compromised when the systems don’t work together.

Such is the Lego Paradox.

Each Lego is an interlocking piece. It maintains its integrity most when the legos fit together. You can use pieces that are different shapes and sizes, yet the interlocking capability is central to their effective application. This kind of structure also offers the most flexibility to plug in replacement pieces and when these pieces fit seamlessly together the over all structure is enhanced.

The technology that runs a restaurant is similar. With more than ten different technology pieces that are required to run a restaurant today, these pieces need to be integrated and seamless in order to make the operations as strong as possible. Technology that sits on top of each other or side by side doesn’t give you the interlocking connection that is needed.

Take for example two key elements POS, which is often the foundation of the restaurant’s technology and the loyalty that is vital for driving traffic and building long-term brand equity, and ultimately revenue and profits. The first step to making this work is to utilize two solutions that are interlocking, and that usually means an open API and solutions that have documented connections with up to date communications. When there’s new software update from one side, the other side should have it at the same time customers do. That’s the interlocking connection – when third parties work together.

This is most evident in the relationship that Custom Business Solutions has Paytronix. There is a full service restaurant brand that has found the strength in the interlocking relationship of our NorthStar point of sale and Paytronix loyalty program.

This restaurant uses NorthStar on iPad Minis to increase service. In fact, before the server leaves the table, the drinks ordered arrive tableside. This is service, and this breeds loyalty. The guests don’t see the interlocking technology but they do know they feel welcome in the environment, they sense the quality of service and they want more of it. That’s why they join the loyalty program.

Studies are showing that loyalty is a key driver in the restaurant business, and you don’t need a study to know that if the operator delivers on what they promise a guest, consistently and repeatedly, the guest will come back.

For this particular restaurant brand, the two systems together provided quality data about the guest experience. This collected data provides strategic direction for turning one visit into many, generating revenue growth.

It’s tempting to pick business tools, especially technology, in a vacuum. They can look appealing, but if you want strength, you need the pieces to interlock. That’s the Lego Paradox. And that’s good business.